The GTO organized a seminar for female entrepreneurs:

The Green Tomorrow Organization (GTO) organized a seminar for female entrepreneurs in the provinces of Kabul, Parwan, Kapisa, Maidan Wardag, Baghlan, Kunduz, and Balkh in 2015 to enhance the capacity of women in the professional field. By giving out certificates after this seminar, the group has effectively placed ten women from each province in jobs.

Green Tomorrow Organization (GTO) attendance in the UN organizations and donors meeting in the province of Baghlan:

In order to allocate tasks to the organizations in the province of Baghlan, a meeting was arranged by UN organizations and donors. Fortunately, Green Tomorrow Organization (GTO) was one of the groups that attended. Green Tomorrow Organization (GTO) representative Ms. Azita “Noori” attended this meeting on behalf of the province of Baghlan.It is important to note that the Green Tomorrow Organization (GTO) has assisted in enhancing the ability of both men and women in society by working with pertinent institutions. 

This meeting took place in the province of Baghlan on April 13, 2015.

A seminar being organized by Green Tomorrow Organization (GTO) under the theme of young mission in society:

Under the banner of “youth mission in society,” the Green Tomorrow Organization (GTO) organized a three-day seminar in collaboration with the Baghlan province’s local media. Both men and women took part in this seminar. The Green Tomorrow Organization (GTO) leadership board presented letters of appreciation to the attendees as the seminar came to a close.
On April 20, 2016, the aforementioned seminar took place.

The Green Tomorrow Organization (GTO) has arranged a sewing course for dozens of citizens, both male and female, to help them become more capable members of society. By learning the art of sewing, they will be able to support themselves, make money later in life, and be of service to the community.

“Campaign for the distribution of strengthening powder for children aged (6-59) months and the distribution of iron and folic acid pills for women aged (10-19) years” was the name of a campaign that Green Tomorrow Organization (GTO) in the health activities department ran in collaboration with UNICEF. In an effort to enlighten as many people as possible during this campaign, Green Tomorrow Organization (GTO) arranged a two-day training under the title of “two-day educational workshop for community health workers on nutritious powder for children and distribution of iron and folic acid pills for women”.

Handicrafts, often known as handwork, are works of art in which ornamental and practical objects are created solely with the hands or with basic equipment. This is one of the indigenous cultures of the Afghan people, and in their towns and villages, they practice this art. However, Afghanistan has neglected this art for several years.
Thankfully, Green Tomorrow Organization has been able to develop a variety of programs that have increased the capacity of employees in this profession by developing educational, technical, and professional programs in this area.
The goal of this initiative is to increase family income levels so that educated individuals may start serving both their communities and themselves. These individuals are currently employed in various locations in this regard.

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